Supervisor & Command Training Webinar

Your Department Is Only as Strong as Your Weakest Supervisor.

Continue Your Education with the Essential Training Path for Supervisors

$345 $295 per user. Get 12 months of access with a new course added each month.

You Viewed the Training Webinar, so Now What?

One of Daigle Law Group’s key training points is that your police department is only as strong as your weakest supervisor. After years of facing litigation, the question that law enforcement agencies must ask is, “who in your department is best able to protect you from a claim of an unconstitutional practice or custom?”
We’ve learned that the role of the supervisor is the department’s most important protector against liability. With departments facing budget and personnel challenges over the past few years, chiefs are asking how to protect their departments with less. Our response has been that departments must ensure that sergeants have the training and tools to be their first line of protection.

Why Choose This Training?

Supervisors must work to ensure that they are not deliberately indifferent to policy violations or unconstitutional conduct. A sergeant who is not holding officers accountable leaves your department susceptible to the imposition of agency liability. Therefore, effective measures to hold supervisors and command staff directly accountable for the quality and effectiveness of their supervision are imperative.

Whether your department is small or one of the country’s largest, your protection starts with your supervisors; they are the gatekeepers against a finding of departmental liability.

How Does Training Work?

Accessing your training is simple. As a subscriber, you receive a new training module each month on the most essential topics for Law Enforcement Supervisors. Here is how this program works:

Introductory Module

Supervisory Liability

The essential training for all Law Enforcement Supervisors.

Example Module

Body Worn Cameras Training

Body-Worn Cameras

Examine usage of body worn cameras in law enforcement and areas of concern.

Example Module

Force Investigations

Force Investigations

Operational standards to identify effective force reporting & investigation process.

Our Most Essential Training Course.

It is crucial that supervisors are properly trained on all aspects of their position. Departments must establish solid and effective policies regarding supervisor duties and responsibilities in the various areas of the department. Departments, however, must also follow through and provide effective training on the substance and requirements of the policies. If training is weak, unfocused, or nonexistent, then the policy will not be followed.

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Do you have questions about training?

Call (860) 270-0060 or contact us to speak with a training advisor.