Supervisor Program: Leadership for the First Line Supervisor

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This course offers a comprehensive exploration of leadership, encompassing the essential abilities and principles that effective leaders embody. Participants will gain an understanding of the core components of leadership, delve into leadership principles, and examine at least four crucial soft skills crucial for effective leadership. Additionally, the course will clarify the distinction between soft skills and hard skills, providing a well-rounded perspective on the diverse aspects of successful leadership in various professional settings.

Instructor: Terri Wilfong – Daigle Law Group

Chief Wilfong has 33-years of law enforcement experience. She served in the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, Kentucky State Police and the Jefferson County Police Department. She was assigned to multiple units including Criminal Investigation, Internal Affairs, Accreditations Manager and the Hostage Negotiations Team. In 2003, the Jefferson County Police Department and the Louisville Division of Police were merged into the new Louisville Metro Police Department. Terri was selected to serve as a Lieutenant Colonel in the first command staff of the Louisville Metro Police Department. In 2006, she retired from Louisville Metro Police and became Chief of Police for the City of Greenville, South Carolina in 2007. Chief Wilfong has presented to the IACP, Southern Police Institute, local government hearings and both public and private entities. Chief Wilfong served as the IACP Chair of the Crime Prevention Committee and currently serves on the Conference Committee. She recently retired as Chief of Police after a seven-year tenure. Chief Wilfong spent a significant portion of her career supervising and administering Internal affairs units.

Terri holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Justice Administration, both from The University of Louisville. She is a graduate of the Southern Police Institute, 95th Administrative Officer’s Course and served on the National SPIAA Executive Board. Terri joined the FBI-LEEDA faculty in 2014.

  • Credit Hours: 1.5
  • Our training experts recommend this course for all supervisor and command staff.

Please click here to contact the DLG Learning Center support staff with any questions about this course.